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Training materials

Skills for Care and Supported Loving have developed a package of training materials to help social care employers develop the skills and knowledge needed to support people who draw on services with personal relationships. 

The training resources have been developed for social care training providers and in-house training departments of social care employers to use to embed learning around supporting the personal and sexual relationships of people drawing on care and support.

The ‘Supporting personal relationships’ guide and trainer materials are supported by the Care Quality Commission and compliment their guidance around inspection in the area of relationships and sexuality in adult social care services.  

The trainer materials include PowerPoint slides which are supported by a lesson plan, training facilitator guide and learner handouts and worksheets.

The programme includes a brief introduction, followed by four modules that can be delivered individually or as a complete package. The training areas are:

1. Understanding sexuality and relationships: barriers, benefits and the impact of staff values

2. Roles, regulations and the law

3. Sexual safety and autonomy

4. Practical approaches to relationships and sexuality support

Both the guide and training materials are focused on enabling social care providers to offer support in a way that respects peoples’ choices and values whilst keeping them safe.


Relationships and sexuality awareness training programme - facilitators guide

PDF - 5.12 Mb

This facilitators guide will explain the background and purpose of the training, tell you what the training is about, and provide guidance on how to facilitate the programme. The materials can be used in face to face or online sessions.


Relationships and sexuality awareness training programme - lesson plan

Word - 306 Kb

Download the lesson plan which provides an overview of the structure of the programme, what trainer materials are required and how much time is needed to complete each stage of the training. 


Relationships and sexuality awareness training programme - slides

PowerPoint - 59.6 Mb

Download the PowerPoint slides to support the delivery of the training. They cover all four modules of the training programme and should be used alongside the facilitators guide, lesson plan, worksheets and handouts.  


Handouts and worksheets


If you would like to explore the availability of Train the Trainer support to enable delivery of this learning programme, please contact


Podcast - Sexual safety through empowerment publication

Skills for Care has taken part in a podcast covering sexual safety through empowerment publication with CQC.

Listen to the podcast


An open culture is crucial for allowing people to express sexuality and promote healthy sexual relationships in care, as well as helping to spot where there may be risks of abuse. One of the key things CQC found in our sexual safety guidance which we published earlier this year was that people must be empowered to speak about relationships and sexuality, in order for them to articulate their needs and feel valued. While we are aware that sexual incidents in services are not common, we know from speaking to those affected that the impact and consequences can be life-changing. It is not good enough to put this issue in a 'too difficult to discuss' box. It is particularly because these topics are sensitive and complex that they should not be ignored.

Kate Terroni

Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care - Care Quality Commission (CQC)


Personal relationships are part of many peoples’ lives and everyone should have the opportunity to develop these relationships if they choose to. Providing support to people around personal relationships is a key part of a person-centred approach; it’s about people making their own choices about what they want from life, and offering support which allows them to live out these choices safely.




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©2023 by SAAIL: Supporting Autistic Adults' Intimate Lives.


The SAAIL  research study represents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) School for Social Care Research (NIHR SSCR). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR SSCR, NIHR or Department of Health and Social Care.

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